Adding imprints to cutter

I want to make a cutter that has imprints that are half the depth of the cutter walls - can I add those to the main cutter or do I need to make a separate cutter?

If you select imprint cutter, then it will be an all-in-one cutter + imprint. The imprint depth measures how far down from the cutting edge the imprint will be, so 0 means it is flush with the cutting edge. You would want to set it based on the thickness that you measure your dough.

Thank you! I had a hard time finding where I select imprint cutter - I was using the instructions and UI has changed… I got it and am very impressed with how easy this software is to use!!!

Is is possible to get rid of the outer ridge that is created by the insert?
I tried delete inner edge but it deletes part of my design.{"purchaseSize"%3A3,"cutterSize"%3A100,"sizeType"%3A"longest","interiorType"%3A"imprint","imprintDepth"%3A"7","bladeDepth"%3A"15","bladeThickness"%3A0.8,"extraBladeDepth"%3A"5","extraBladeThickness"%3A"1.2","baseHeight"%3A3.5,"baseWidth"%3A4,"multiCutterRow"%3A1,"multiCutterColumn"%3A1,"multiCutterSpacing"%3A-2,"horizontalBarWidth"%3A"18","verticalBarWidth"%3A"4","units"%3A"mm","invertInterior"%3Afalse,"offsetIn"%3Afalse,"offsetInner"%3A0,"forceSolidBar"%3Afalse,"mirror"%3Afalse,"removeImprintBase"%3Afalse,"stampCutterTolerance"%3A0.9,"stampBackHeight"%3A4.5,"stampImprintHeight"%3A3,"deleteOuterPath"%3Afalse,"cutterSet"%3Afalse,"resolution"%3A100,"userSize"%3A100,"currentStlOutputFile"%3A"565fddb1622141799a510c18df0a5a9c%2050W%20V8.stl","name"%3A"BG"}

I lose my imprint depth as soon as I select ‘Edges Only’. Is there a way around this?