Cookie cutter not printing the sides

The cutter is not doing the sides , yet on the cookie cad print it shows,


In order to save some plastic and some sanity - before printing make sure to preview what your slicer is planning to print with the preview. PrusaSlicer shows you by default but in cura you have to click the preview button:

Most likely that would show a preview that matches what came out of the printer so you could avoid printing it.

The reason it didn’t print it is likely that it was too thin. If you have a 0.4 nozzle you can’t print smaller than a 0.4 wall and 0.5 or more will be easier. Here is what you can do:

  1. In your slicer turn on the thin walls setting In PrusaSlicer it is, print settings → detect thin walls. In Cura it is, walls → print thin walls.
  2. Make sure your blade in cookiecad is set to at least 0.4. For the imprint, if it is too thin use “experimental settings → thicken interior” and add about 0.3 to make that printable.