Hi All! When we were at Cookiecon I spoke to a lot of people that owned or were planning to buy Ender 3 printers. Since we own many of these I figured I would compile some of the things we’ve learned about running Enders for years. The Ender 3 is a great machine and is capable of beautiful prints but there are some upgrades / improvements I recommend. I will add to this over time, today I’ll start with the first thing I do on any printer.
1. Replace the bed springs to hold your bed level for months
One common issue I hear is people needing to level their bed every few prints. That should not be necessary. Underneath the bed are four springs. The job of these springs is to keep the bed leveling springs from turning. The stock springs are weak and the vibrations from printing will cause the knobs to turn - you can even turn the knobs by lightly touching them. To resolve this, buy solid silicone bed mounts for Ender 3 (here they are on Amazon). Then remove the bed springs and put these on instead. Once you level your bed with these it should hold the level for a long time.