error saving profile

sem config.salva

  • I had several profiles saved in my premium account and they all disappeared, and now when I try to recreate and save the cookicad it doesn’t save the added configuration. Can someone help me, I’ve already contacted the chat but no one answers.

I feel ya. No one answers here or on discord. Email

Hi @dauani - we did end up chatting about this, glad it is resolved.

@Kyleen - I apologize if you’ve been waiting. We have changed our ticketing software and are working to improve response times. Do you have an open issue?

Actually I emailed Melissa. She told me to size up. The problem is when you select Imprint cutter and check delete outer edges it creates an stl smaller than the size selected…everytime. Only that combo of selections. I pay premium but can’t use the program because I make imprint cutters in 10 sizes with two cut walls. That would mean I’m resizing in another program 20 times for one cutter. She said there is a bug and it will need to be fixed. That was two weeks ago and she hasn’t responded to email after the first one I sent so Im stuck.