Feature Requests - What new features would you like to see in Cookiecad?

Here are some previous requests:

  • Labels on the outside of the cutter wall
  • Change the depth when using Edges Only
  • The ability to create a text embosser straight from Cookiecad (You can do this now by uploading an image with text and an outline around it)
  • Display the cutter height and width in the preview
  • Add designs straight from Cookiecad Designer (rather than going to the library first)



I would love to be able to access the library from CookieCAD, rather than going to the library and scrolling to import a new project!


Hi! I will like to create textures rollers or plates!


It will be good to have an option to make angles on the flange and also to add a mark like name or person who create it.

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I would like the ability to place the handle anywhere on the cutter.


Hey, thank you for the suggestion. Can you explain a little more what you mean? If you opened the library from Cookiecad Designer wouldn’t you still have to scroll? By the way you can also use the search to avoid scrolling.

Yes!! This is definitely on our radar. Textured plates you should be able to do with the upcoming two part cutter / stamp feature. You can choose to make just a stamp - I think that is the same as a textured plate.

Hi Carol - the handle goes around the outside of the cutter, do you mean move the center bar? Currently you can increase the size of the center bar until it connects any floating pieces. But I do agree that being able to move it instead would save plastic if your floating part is not in the center.


Sorry, you are correct. I meant the central bar. I do increase the width to connect all the floating parts but sometime I have to make it so wide it is hard getting the gum paste/ fondant out.


Labels on the outside of the cutter would be great!


To be able to move the center bar up or down (i.e. if the cookie character has a face and you just want to put the bar to support the face) AND the option to have both horizontal and vertical center bars at the same time. Love the new cutter/imprint function!!!


texture sheets and rollers!


a way to make a handle to attach to the stamp for pressing.


@archerandruby @jonilmasepulveda Textured rollers is something we’d love to do in the future - but you can make textured mats right now. Check out Melissa’s video guide here: How to make a 3D printed texture sheet using Cookiecad.

Feel free to comment on that post if you have questions or feedback.


This is super cool!

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I would love to be able to add a design to my library within the design designer section rather than having to go to the library section, clicking add, and going from there. I’ve forgotten multiple times and it would be easier to just be able to save the design from the design program

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I noticed that when the new embossing feature came out (love it btw), that when creating some a cutter with the emboss it no longer has the thicker handle on its base. Having the thicker base made it a lot easier to print! I’ll include a photo of what I’m talking about. I would love to be able to have the choice to have that handle back! Thanks!


Can i have part of a stamped embossed and part debossed?? For example, with the photo above, could you leave that as it is (embosser) but have the 80th debossed (raised) so that it can be painted i.e. gold or silver??? I could do it in two separate pieces but i’m wondering if it can be done as one stamp??? TIA

Not at the moment but I’ve moved this to feature requests for us to consider for the future.

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@Meredith We’re adding this back, you can try it now see below. I’ve also fixed a bug where overlapping imprint bases didn’t work right and made holes in the imprint base.
@Carol @littlemissvanilla you can’t move the bars yet but you will be able to create both a horizontal and vertical.

You can try out the horizontal and vertical bars and the imprint base in the beta version available here.

Let me know what you think!