How to add text labels to your cutter STL using 3D builder

Adding text to your cutter is an open feature request but until we add it to Cookiecad here is a way you can do it using the free 3D builder tool that comes with windows.

  1. Import your STL to 3D Builder
  2. Click “Edit” then “Emboss”
  3. For the pattern choose “text”. Turn off Bevel. Click on the spot where you want your text to go and type your text in the box. Then click the “Emboss” checkbox.
  4. Save your file and you’re done!

You can add text to the sidewall also and it will wrap around the edge:


This works well! I’ve been having trouble with Tinkercad lately and Nathan showed me the 3d builder. Very easy! Prints great!

Thanks for suggesting this. As you can see I was able to put it on the handle and rotate the text so it will not interfere with the blade.

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This works great, Thanks! I just need to figure out how to put the bar across the middle

That you do in Cookiecad - click center bar.

I eventually figured it out, Thanks!

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Does anyone have an alternative for someone who is using a Mac?

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In the example shown wont the test need to be inverted?

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can you do this on a Mac? If so, what software

Did you happen to find something good to use on a Mac? Just started making my own cutters and some of my designs definitely need to be labeled! :slight_smile:

Has anyone found a good option for a Mac since 3d Builder is only for windows? I have been trying to figure it out on Blender and a couple of others but I can’t seem to figure it out, it’s so complicated!


Thank you So much for this!!

Can you suggest a setting for the depth of the text label? I assume it is the “x” cordinate. My text is very shallow on the side of cookie cutter. Thank you.

I use my Windows Parallel program to run 3d builder and it works perfect.

Hey all! We’re working on a new program to do text and many other things! You can’t put text on the cutter wall yet but you can add text to a bar. Here is a tutorial:

If you are interested in playing with it please join the Cookiecad discord (link at the top of the page) and I’ll be happy to walk you through it!

I want to keep the same size when importing to the 3D builder. Once saved, and importing the file to PrusaSlicer application, it changes the size. How do we prevent this from happening?

It shouldn’t change the size. What is the size before and after? Can you show some screenshots of what you are experiencing?