Adding text to your cutter is an open feature request but until we add it to Cookiecad here is a way you can do it using the free 3D builder tool that comes with windows.
For the pattern choose “text”. Turn off Bevel. Click on the spot where you want your text to go and type your text in the box. Then click the “Emboss” checkbox.
Has anyone found a good option for a Mac since 3d Builder is only for windows? I have been trying to figure it out on Blender and a couple of others but I can’t seem to figure it out, it’s so complicated!
Can you suggest a setting for the depth of the text label? I assume it is the “x” cordinate. My text is very shallow on the side of cookie cutter. Thank you.
I want to keep the same size when importing to the 3D builder. Once saved, and importing the file to PrusaSlicer application, it changes the size. How do we prevent this from happening?