Not transferring whole image

not sure what to do i upload an image but it doesn’t seem to bring everything into the stamp
this is the image

and this is what i get{"purchaseSize"%3A3,"cutterSize"%3A76.2,"sizeType"%3A"longest","interiorType"%3A"cutterStamp","imprintDepth"%3A4.5,"bladeDepth"%3A12.5,"bladeThickness"%3A0.8,"extraBladeDepth"%3A11.9,"extraBladeThickness"%3A0,"baseHeight"%3A3.5,"baseWidth"%3A4,"horizontalBarWidth"%3A0,"verticalBarWidth"%3A0,"units"%3A"inches","invertInterior"%3Afalse,"offsetIn"%3Afalse,"offsetInner"%3A0,"forceSolidBar"%3Afalse,"mirror"%3Afalse,"removeImprintBase"%3Afalse,"stampCutterTolerance"%3A0.9,"stampBackHeight"%3A4.5,"stampImprintHeight"%3A3,"deleteOuterPath"%3Afalse,"currentStlOutputFile"%3A"6344dc777ba34c91812d8e12793cb2c8%2050W%20V8.stl","name"%3A"essendon-football-club-vector-logo","userSize"%3A3}

Cookiecad converts the image to black and white before processing. Black parts will imprint (push in) white parts will not (they will be the holes). For an image like this with multiple colors Cookiecad will make any dark colors part of the stamp and light colors the holes. In this image the light grey is light enough so it is converting to white and becoming a hole. The rest is the stamp. Here is what Cookiecad will convert it to:


if you look at your link you can see how that matches the stamp.

Your best bet is to edit the image in an image editor and use the bucket tool to change the parts you want to stamp to be black and the rest white. If you convert the red letters on top to white they will deboss (they will be create raised letters).

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