Please help getting started 3d printing

Hi everyone,
I haveva huge problem and I need this cutter for next week!. I tried an imprint cutter by using cookie cad and loading on and then dowloaded, it but it will not print at all? It says unsupported format? Am I supposed to format these files?{"purchaseSize"%3A3,"cutterSize"%3A60,"sizeType"%3A"longest","interiorType"%3A"imprint","imprintDepth"%3A4.5,"bladeDepth"%3A12.5,"bladeThickness"%3A"0.9","extraBladeDepth"%3A11.9,"extraBladeThickness"%3A0.4,"baseHeight"%3A"11.9","baseWidth"%3A"0.4","horizontalBarWidth"%3A0,"verticalBarWidth"%3A0,"units"%3A"mm","invertInterior"%3Afalse,"offsetIn"%3Afalse,"offsetInner"%3A0,"forceSolidBar"%3Afalse,"mirror"%3Afalse,"removeImprintBase"%3Afalse,"stampCutterTolerance"%3A0.9,"stampBackHeight"%3A4.5,"stampImprintHeight"%3A3,"deleteOuterPath"%3Afalse,"userSize"%3A60,"currentStlOutputFile"%3A"de22925b49524880b71b7c8b771ca2e3%2050W%20V8.stl","name"%3A"il_340x270"}

I have never done this before
Please help, thank you all
Michaela Paige

Hi Michael,

When 3D printing you always start with a 3D model, the STL file. This is what Cookiecad gives you. This file then needs to be run through a slicer which turns it into instructions for your specific printer - that is a gcode file. Most people use Cura as their slicer to start, it’s free. You need to set up Cura for your printer. If you have a popular printer model Cura may already have a profile for your printer. Otherwise if you google Cura profile and your printer model you should find instructions or a Cura profile for your specific printer. Once that is done, open the STL in the slicer and then save the GCode. This is the file your printer can print.

Hi, okay perfect thnk you… is there a step by step somewhere for this?
I found this Ultimaker Cura: Powerful, easy-to-use 3D printing software

Yes that is the link to download Cura. There are definitely getting started guides for any printer - you’ll want to look for one for yours. Any getting started guide will go over slicing an STL and sending it to the printer. If you have a Creality Ender then check out CHEP and Tomb of 3d Printed Horrors on YouTube.

The basic steps are: First, select a profile for your printer in the slicer. Then import the STL to the slicer, click slice and export the gcode. Then put it on an SD card and print.

Okay I will go and have a look thank you so much for all your help

You will be going in the right direction with the slicer it should be easy enough. I think you’ll do fine but keep in mind, that the cookie cad guys can print one and send it to you! Maybe plan b, -I wonder how long it takes to print and ship it?