Separate Cutters and Stamp

When i upload an image to produce a cutter and a stamp and download and print them as one item all is fine.

When i choose to print the cutter and the stamp separately from the same image so that i can have separate stl’s of each, when i print them they dont fit, the stamp is always too tight. Is there a way of doing this separately so they fit ? have i missed an option ? i did try increasing the tolerance / gap from 0.9 mm to 1.0mm and it was still the same.

Hope someone can help

Thank you


Here is how you can separate the cutters after downloading them as one so that you can print them separately or arrange them on the bed:

In PrusaSlicer just click the “separate to objects” button in the menu


In Cura you can use meshtools.

Click marketplace, then meshtools and install it.(You’ll need to restart Cura afterwards)

After that right click, click mesh tools and split object to parts:

Now you can manipulate the objects independently, arrange them on the bed or print them one at a time.

Thank you, just adding mesh tools to cura now. :smiley: