Welcome to a kind helpful place for 3d printing help

Why I believe we need a new 3d printing forum:

I don’t know if everyone has experienced this but it seems to me as Facebook groups get too large, it becomes really challenging to ask for help. Look at any post in the huge 3d printing groups and to find the helpful answers you have to sift through offhand jokes or downright mean comments. I think this is just due to the conflict between the goal of a social media site (engagement of any kind) and a help forum (helpful organized content). People scrolling through social media may come across a request for help, it already has 500 comments (who is reading that) and Facebook invites them to comment - so they do, whether or not it is helpful. This works for social content but does not work for a help / discussion forum.

Here are some ways our community is different:

  • Search - you can actually search for previous content, questions and answers.
  • Organization - content is organized
  • Helpful and respectful interactions - With every post we encourage positive contributions and a respect for one another

So please join us and let’s help each other in this fun, exciting space we find ourselves.


where i can download any project that i have done to participate so that every one can benefit from it

Great question! I just created a category for sharing designs. I’ll be sharing some of ours there as well. Check it out here: Share your Designs - Cookiecad Community