Feature Requests - What new features would you like to see in Cookiecad?

I’d love to have a radius or chamfer where the blade connects to the handle.
That’s where my cutters break.

The extra blade helps a bit, but not enough

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I used your site to make some cutters for my wife and its a HUGE time saver over doing it in Soliworks or Fusion360. I think adding radii to the handles would be beneficial for ergonomics and then to be able to add a radius on the transition from the handle to the blade area would also increase the strength.

The labels would also be awesome, if I make any cutters for her I end up marking with my laser in the garage after OR just using a sharpie.

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A feature I would love to see and that I believe many will also find useful is that with the new beta, you have the new auto outline. Another option to the drop-down menu that would be helpful is a simple offset outline to add the ability to make cutter+stamp combos, like the following images from Etsy.

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I would love to have a feature that fills in the entire cookie cutter with a base. Something I could set.
Something like these mockups:

You can!

The other is to use an imprint cutter + center bar and set the center bar size to a large number, like 100, and turn on experimental settings → force solid bar.
Another way that could work is to choose cutter + stamp and set the gap to 0.

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OOOOoooo perfect! Thank you so much!

Hi just getting used to using so could be me not knowing how to do the following!

But when making debossers it would be great if you could do different depths and textures to images. To create easy two tone when using fondant.

Thank you

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I would really like this feature! I find these much more versatile than texture sheets.

a center button. So it can center the image at anytime while configuring.
It takes me forever to center and turn the cutter the way I want it to inspect it

Can you please show an example of what you mean? It should place your cutter in the center by default.